Jedi Chefs Home
Who are the Jedi Chefs?

We Jedi Chefs are just like 'normal' Jedi, but we also cook.

The hierarchy of the Jedi Chef Order is as follows:
There are many JCAs (Jedi Chef Apprentices). JCAs are the 'workers' of the Order, dividing their time between carrying out menial (but necessary) tasks and training to become JMCs (Jedi Master Chefs) . All JCAs aspire to ascend to JMC status. The JMCs are the warriors, technicians and heavy drinkers of the Order. Selected JMCs form the Jedi Chef Senate. This august body handles the running of the entire Jedi Chef Order, from debating important policy decisions down to day-to-day budget issues.

More details will be listed on this page in the future.

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