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What enemies do the Jedi Chefs have? (page 1)

The Jedi Chefs do not have many (surviving) enemies; most decent folks know that the Jedi Chefs are on their side, fighting for them and helping them to reduce bothersome stocks of alcoholic beverages.

However, there are always going to be a few trouble makers, who just can't seem to stop trying to spoil it for everybody else. Naturally, the Jedi Chefs do not stand idly by whilst these idiots try to harass the populace. In the following example, Jedi Master Chef Neil defends a passing princess from a well known repeat offender

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Jedi Chivalry

In this particular case, combat was avoided. Instead, the miscreant was taken to a Jedi Chef justice facility, where the wrongness of his ways was explained to him by friendly Jedi Chef staff. Before too long, an agreement had been made to let the ex-villain go free, as long as promised not to be bad any more.

Peaceful agreement

Furthermore, the once bad individual was, within one week, asking to be re-admitted to the order of the Jedi Chefs, which he had strayed away from many years earlier. Without hesitation, the repentant one was accepted back into the order of the ever merciful Jedi Chefs, and he was then free to hang out with the other Jedi Chefs, even those who had - until recently - wanted to lop his head off.


Of course, he can still look menacing, (even with his silly theme tune playing)....

Darth Vader

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: It has come to our attention that, despite the return of the above individual to our Order, many of his followers remain dedicated to foolishly being bad. If you come across anyone who looks like the below example, notify your nearest Jedi Chef office immediately. A Knight will be despatched to cut the naughty one to pieces. Although they are incredibly poor shots, these "Stormtroopers", as they are called, can be very dangerous, so NEVER ATTEMPT TO OVERPOWER ONE OF THESE PEOPLE ON YOUR OWN. We are trained to handle situations like this. Leave it to the professionals.


As well as the above troopers, it has been reported that the evil one also hired a number of expert bounty hunters to carry out assassinations for him. It is believed that some of these scum were well paid in advance and will, despite their employer renouncing his wickedness, still attempt to carry out their dastardly missions. We are determined to stop them all before any of them can act. One such bad guy, the particularly dangerous and sweaty Jango Fett, was tracked down by JMC002 Neil.

Jango Fett

He somehow managed to evade capture, but was later almost killed during a pitched battle between himself, a known re-offender and a Jedi Master Chef.

Jango Fett fights

Before long, several Jedi Master Chefs took over the fight.

Jango Fett fights

That brush with death caused him to see sense and - after we had made sure that he really had changed his ways - he was welcomed into The Order.

JCA220 Jango

Just as our X-Wing pilots are valued, well trained members of our Order, so our enemies also have trained pilots; their crappy TIE Fighters are flown by weak-minded idiots who prance around looking like this....

TIE Fighter Pilot

On the rare occasion that two opposing pilots meet, the encounter invariably ends in the death of one of them. And our man always survives the fight.

Fighting Pilots

A few misguided fools take it upon themselves to act as though they are evil overlords when, in reality, they are just sad, pathetic clowns with no real place in society. So sure can some of these sorry individuals that they "have the power" that they will take US on! Below is a good example. Obviously, this loser didn't last very long.

Dark Helmet

One of our most bothersome and irritating enemies is the Sith. They are also, by far, the smelliest. Below are examples of several recently identified members of this most fetid gang.





Of course, whenever any Jedi Master Chefs encounter any of these fools, we engage them without hesitation.

Fighting the Sith

Fighting the Sith

Fighting the Sith

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